POLI-TRICKS – Episode 3: Does property create wealth and for who? VideosBy zacharia@nu.org.za14th July 2023
Reclaim the City leaders ask Premier why affordable housing on Tafelberg development site hasn’t happened yet NU in the mediaBy zacharia@nu.org.za23rd September 2023
Activists claim thousands of parcels of public land under-used in Cape Town NU in the mediaBy zacharia@nu.org.za22nd September 2023
COCT RELEASES PRIME LAND IN CBD FOR R103M AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAMME NU in the mediaBy zacharia@nu.org.za12th September 2023
Tale of two cities: Cape Town’s occupied buildings – and how it compares to Joburg’s inner city NU in the mediaBy zacharia@nu.org.za11th September 2023
Housing activists doorstep Premier Winde over controversial Sea Point property development NU in the mediaBy zacharia@nu.org.za8th September 2023