Ndifuna Ukwazi offers Political and Legal education related to Housing and Evictions in Cape Town

Ndifuna Ukwazi invites any member of the public to join its  free 3-month Advice Assembly programme at the Bertha House in Mowbray. Advice Assembly is a weekly community education programme designed to help participants understand the laws that govern eviction in South Africa, equipping them with the legal and political knowledge to tackle unfair practices…

Ndifuna Ukwazi Housing Clinic

The NU Housing Clinic works on a first-come first-serve basis to accommodate walk-ins, but encourages interested parties to make an appointment through political organiser and paralegal Ntombi Sambu. Call or Whatsapp: 0623529372 Email: ntombi@nu.org.za Address: 18 Roland Street, Cape Town The Clinic operates on Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s only, excluding public holidays. It does not charge for…